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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Youth follow up

This past weekend we had the pleasure of meeting at Talitha Kumi where 10 veteran Musalah youth hung out,
reminisced about Holland
 talked about school,

played an original game (created by Shadia and Rikke),


and learned about our blindspots from the woman at the well.
John 4 is the story of a Samaritan woman who had an encounter with Jesus and learned about herself, through his revelation of her sin and his revolutionary, counter cultural,supernatural power of forgiveness.

Looking forward to seeing you all at camp, if not before!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Why Volunteer for Musalaha? Why NOT!

To  volunteer or not to volunteer that is the question... 

Musalaha like many non profit organizations is dependent on volunteers to impact the lives of so many people all over the world. Youth Leaders, camp counselors, office staff, and speakers give their time to spread the message of peace and reconciliation to the young and young at heart. We at Musalaha could use your help! If you are considering volunteering but need help with your decision making here is a list of pros and cons to help you with your decision:   

PROS:                                                                                                                   CONS:

                                                                                                                             -  already have two jobs          + show potential employer you are responsible 
                                                                                                 -   study, study, study! too busy with studies
+ build a network that will help you throughout life 
                                                                                                               -   need to spend time with friends
+  Universities look highly on volunteer work in admissions decisions 
                                                                                                                       -   too much preparation time
+   improve personal skills such as empathy, listening, understanding, humility
                                                                                                      -   I don't know how to work with youth
+   expand your knowledge and view of the world
                                                                                                      -   I don't want to commit for a long time
+   improve your planning skills
                                                                                                                   -   I need to focus on my career
 + create strong friendships built on common interest 
+ invest in the future your community & country      

+ show compassion for others  

+ learn about yourself  

And if that is not enough here are some great people through history who volunteered!
Mother Theresa, Mahtam Ghandia, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Los Angesles Laker Jordan Farmar, David Beckham, Messi, and Jesus

Even with all these benefits our primary motivation for volunteering should not be to help ourselves,we are who we are because someone gave of themselves for us, we therefore have the opportunity to contribute to building people who will lead the world of our children and theirs. 

Written by Ane Nord
Edited by Phoenicia Lewis 

Monday, February 11, 2013

reconciliation means to me 009

Musalaha asked and the youth responded, 

Peace                            Love one another                  respect others and pray for others                                                                        

                                                                                             one in Yeshua 
        without discrimination
                                                      brothers and sisters          Palestinian and Jewish Together 

                                                                                                  respect others and pray for others
open up and listen to the other side
                                                       to Love and Hear and Forgive

What does Reconciliation mean to you?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Calendar of Events

Youth Follow Up
When: 22-23.2.2013
Where: Talitha Kumi
Who: Youth who have participated with Musalaha at least once
How much: 50 Shekel
What: meeting up again and explore our yearly projects
Registration: click here

Youth Trip North
When: 22-24.3.2013
Where: North of Israel
Who: ages 13-16 and never been to Musalaha youth activities
How much: 350 Shekel
What: Worship, Kayaking, prayer hiking, cycling, Bible Studies, fellowship, and much more
Registration: Click here

Junior Camp Counsellors Training
When: 3-4.5.2013
Who: previous Musalaha Campers ages 13-14 who would like to try out for helpers in the camp
How much: To Be Decided (TBD)
What TBD
Registration: TBD

Musalaha Summer Camp
When: 22-26.7.2013
Where: Baptist Village
Who: children ages 9-12
How Much: 400 NIS
Registration: TBD